Pest Pointers


Maintaining ControlHouse pest page


The secret to maintaining control of the insects that periodically invade you home is proper timing. Try to schedule timely service to control the insects that invade your home and property. At times you may feel service may not be needed because there is no apparent problems. The reason you detect no problems is because with regular scheduled service a maintained "perimeter" of protection throughout the year service must be maintained at regular intervals..


At times it may be difficult to understand this, however the only way to guarantee full protection against unwanted pests is to service your home timely. An increase in the amount of material and time is required to reestablish control again after the property has been neglected, which ends up costing you more time and money.



Don't forget to do your regular lawn treatments for control of fleas, and all the other bugs that like to invade your lawn through spring, Summer and Fall.